Saturday, September 29, 2012

9/19 and 9/20 - Arrval, drive to Cronulla, and walking in Sydney

Arrived in Sydney for our hospitality stay with Kevin & Jenny in Caringbah (a southern suburb).  We settled into our room, had a nice introductory chat and then had a lovely drive to Cronulla.

The beach is beautiful...

Kevin cooked a fabulous dinner for us and we shared some wine, checked the news, chatted some more and then retired for the night. 

09/20/2012 - Today we took the train ($2.50 senior ticket is good for all day on all trains, ferries and buses) from Caringbah to the City Center and then walked through an historic building converted to a lovely mall, past wonderful historic places to Sydney's Circular Quay.

We went to the coffee shop at the Museum of Contemporary Art for a Cappo (Cappucino) and marveled at the views.

Then we walked over to the Opal Shop near the Opera House (Kevin knows the owner and Di got a deal), then looked closer at the Opera House and the Sydney Bridge.
Close look at the tiles of the Opera House

Sydney Bridge, finished in 1932!!

Then we toured the Rocks (a shop/eatery neighborhood) and back around to the the Opera House over to the Royal Gardens.
Police Station in the Rocks

Wonderful old buildings

Bridge from the Rocks

Luna Park - early 20th Century Amusement Park.

Memorial in the Rocks
This hefty thing doesn't hold the bridge...

... This holds the Bridge.  Fabulous Engineering!

The views of the Opera House from The Rocks across the bay are incredible.

We walked back to the right of the Opera House and into the Royal Gardens.  The gardens reminded us of Stanley park in Vancouver, BC.  Though it has just become Spring, the flowers are already blooming quite nicely.

Then we walked by the Barracks Museum (old prison and then used as Military Barracks, passed by Hyde Park, and went by the old hospital buildings (beautifully restored to Drs offices and a specialty hospital). 

We got to the Circular Quay station and took the train back to Caringbah.  What a good day we had.

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